Codes & Standards for Masonry Heater Construction

Originally published at:

A synopsis of codes and standards for masonry heater construction, including information regarding their efficiency for home owners and building officials.

Hi There. Currently interested in this topic. Let me remark other three standards on the topic:
ASTM E2778 Standard Specification for Custom Tiled/Mortared Masonry Heaters (Stoves)
ASTM E2817 Standard Test Method for Test Fueling Masonry Heaters
CAN/CSA B415.1 Performance Testing Of Solid-Fuel-Burning Stoves, Inserts, and Low_Burn-Rate Factory-Built Fireplaces


@PabloK, it is an honor to have your presence in the forums! For those that don’t know of @PabloK 's work, he is very active in both heater construction and education in Argentina. I came to know of his work through his Instagram account:

Thank you for listing these relevant ASTM standards. The ASTM E1602 Standard Guide for Construction of Solid Fuel Burning Masonry Heaters has been the most relevant and the one I am most familiar with since it is specifically referenced in the building code. As a professional heater builder, it has been worthwhile to have a copy and be able to reference it when any questions came up with local building officials. I would like to write a follow-up article summarizing its most important specifications.

I had no idea about the “ASTM E2778 Standard Specification for Custom Tiled/Mortared Masonry Heaters (Stoves)”. My guess is that it was put together by a contingent of heater builders that were part of AMHOP, a now apparently defunct association of heater builders that had split off of the Masonry Heater Association (MHA). Does anyone on this list have any familiarity with the contents of this standard? Is it worth purchasing?

@mheat (Norbert Senf), is an authority on the final two you cited which have more to do with efficiency testing:

I should say also that I published the article that started the thread rather hastily in order to start this thread and that I look forward to improving it. Discussion here will certainly lead to its improvement.