Hi Folks,
Whenever possible I like to build parts of my heaters with reclaimed materials. Often this involves old clay bricks with cob mortars and plasters, and that works great. Sometimes used clay bricks can be hard to come by, but there always seems to be an abundance of concrete blocks (8" x 5" x 3.75) around, and lately I have begun using them with thin set mortar in low-heat-structural and facing applications.
But this brings me back to a question that has been in my mind for many years now: How do concrete and clay differ energetically? When people talk about how standing on a concrete floor gives them achey joints… I am inclined to believe that it is more than just a matter of hardness. After a day of working with clay brick and unfired cob I tend to feel great. After a day of working with concrete… not so.
All of the ancient energy-based medicines (TCM ayurveda etc…) speak of the exchange-portals in the palms of our hands and soles of our feet… And there is plenty of scientific data on the negative ion bathing that happens when unfired clay dehydrates. But this (along with personal experience and the testimony of others who experience similar ‘feeling’) is about all the data I have found on the topic thus far.
I know not everyone is into the touchy feely esoteric stuff, but many of my clients are, which is why they gravitate towards the natural cob work that I do. So… I am wondering if anyone out there can help shed light on the matter.
And from there: How thick of a cob coat might neutralize the (if any) negative effects of something like a 2" thick concrete paver capping a bench?
All thoughts are welcome