The Masonry Heater News category provides a place for news-y updates about masonry heaters as a technology and industry. This is a good place to post links to articles, policy updates, new products on the market, etc.
The Masonry Heater News category provides a place for news-y updates about masonry heaters as a technology and industry. This is a good place to post links to articles, policy updates, new products on the market, etc.
This public forum is hosted by Firespeaking.
The opinions expressed in these forums are those of their authors and do not, in any case, represent the expressed opinion of Firespeaking, LLC.
The cost of maintaining these forums is offset by Firespeaking's Masonry Heater Hardware sales.
Check out our full catalog of firebox doors, oven doors, cooktops, cleanouts, ash doors, bypass dampers, and more.
Also check out the Masonry Heater Association of North America and consider joining to support advocacy for these technologies.